Friday, August 3, 2012

Kid Friendly PB&J sushi!

Do you miss those romantic nights out with your man? With kids those nights are few and far between but here is a cute recipe to get them involved!! Now you can order from your favorite sushi bar, get a nice bottle of wine and let your kids join. After all, it's these kind of dates that brought your kid into the picture in the first place

What you need:
2 slices of bread (We used Wheat)
2 tablespoons of peanut butter (We used Creamy)
2 tablespoons of jelly (We used sugar free with real strawberries)

First: Remove crust from bread

with a rolling pin or large spoon spoon completely flatten bread.

This is how thin we rolled it in comparison to a normal slice

Spread 1 tablespoon of peanut butter and 1 tablespoon of jelly to each piece of bread. 

Roll into a tight spiral and cut each spiral into four pieces


Since most sushi comes with dipping sauce,
We mixed one cup of powdered sugar with a few drops of milk
and BOOM! Instant yummy dipping sauce for the kiddos!