Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Snacks to get you through the hunger phase

I love popcorn. I don't think I know anyone that doesn't. Many people don't know that popcorn can actually help you when you want to cut back. Here are 2 hunger satisfying popcorn recipes.
What you will need:
100 calorie bag of popcorn
1 tablespoon honey
dash of cinnamon
pop your popcorn
Mix honey and Cinnamon
Microwave for 10-15 seconds

pour over popcorn & enjoy a sweet treat!
160 Calories total

This next recipe is the savory
What you will Need:
 100 calorie bag of popcorn
1/2 Tablespoon Cajun Seasonings
1 Tablespoon Italian Seasonings
Dash of Pepper
Dash of Turmeric
Dash of dried ginger
Stir to combine & use a SMALL amount on your popcorn.
1/8 teaspoon per bag of popcorn
100 calories total

Fruit & Honey Compote

I've been trying to lose weight, cut back and stop baking. (Its harder than it sounds) I'm about to let you guys into a big secret... JUST BECAUSE IT'S GOOD FOR YOU, DOESN'T MEAN IT HAS TO TASTE BAD!! I prefer to eat this warm before the honey gets sticky. This is a super easy, quick recipe for when a craving hits and you want to jump the dieting bandwagon.
What you Will Need:
16 oz bag of all natural, no sugar added frozen fruit
1/2 cup Pure Raw Honey
1 Tsp Fresh lemon Juice
Start by adding the lemon juice to the fruit
Heat Honey until boiling
Add Bag of Frozen Fruit

 Cook for 2 minutes
Pour in a glass dish
I use this as a base for any dessert when trying to cut back on fat and calories.
This is 130 Calories per serving. Makes 4 servings
Cool fruit,Add yogurt and make a smoothie
 Top with a crumble and bake for lowfat dessert option
Eat over fat free icecream as a sweet topping
Cool Fruit, Layer with granola  and yogurt
Mix with Hot oatmeal for a special breakfast
Top Pancakes
enjoy alone when a sweet craving hits